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Some Family Memories

The Pardo Clan

The 100.gif Pardo family, a very prominent family of Western Ontario, has been known in that Province ever since pioneer days. It originated in England, where the name is variously spelled Pardoe, Pardo and even Pardow, but the residents of Raleigh township use the shortest orthography.

John Pardo, the founder of the family in Raleigh Township, was born in Worcestershire, England, and served ten years in the British Army. Upon mustering out, he was entitled to land in Essex County at the southwestern tip of Ontario.

His son Thomas fathered the descendants of the Pardos in Raleigh township in Kent County. Thomas had ten children and raised them on the family homestead in Raleigh township, operating a small store, tavern, farming, a grist and saw mill and finally a Methodist church. One of his granddaughters, Sarah Emmeline Pardo, appears to us as a very young girl in her Sunday finest dress.

The 1881 census for Kent County lists 53 Pardo individuals.

How do I find my ancestor?

Click on a Benedict name below to follow your lineage. A complete listing of names and dates can be found by clicking on the Name Index on the left-side column.

Descendancy Chart for JohnPardo1732

0 JohnPardo1732
1 ThomasPardo1799
1 ThomasPardo1840
2 WilliamPardo1831

-- JimBenedict - 03 Feb 2006


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I Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
100.gif manage 20.0 K 05 Feb 2006 - 17:53 JimBenedict Sarah Emmeline Pardo
There.jpg manage 3.9 K 03 Nov 2005 - 19:55 JasonBenedict  
SomeFamilyMemories.jpg manage 14.5 K 03 Feb 2006 - 21:10 JimBenedict Some Famly Memories
clan.jpg manage 6.7 K 03 Feb 2006 - 21:10 JimBenedict The Pardo Clan
The.jpg manage 2.6 K 04 Feb 2006 - 04:36 JimBenedict The

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