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Personal Identity Numbers [PID's]

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This page lists all Personal Identity numbers (PIDs) for people mentioned on the Eayrs Web. These numbers are common to all EAYRS sites, and should be used in any correspondence.

There are two lists here: 1) ordered by PIDs (in ascending order) and 2) ordered by names (First name and Surname). When two people have the same name I have listed them in order of birth.

1. Ordered by PID

PID Person Associated place(s)
250 George Eayrs (1766 - 1827) Castle Bytham (LIN), Market Deeping (LIN)
261 Mary Eayrs (1800 - 1886) Market Deeping (LIN), Leicester (LEI)
251 Mary Fowler (???? - ????) Castle Bytham (LIN), Market Deeping (LIN)
249 Thomas Eayrs (1788 - 1861) Market Deeping (LIN), Greetham (RUT)
258 William Eayrs (1794 - 1852) Market Deeping (LIN), Greatford (RUT)
748 William Eayrs (1790 - 1791) Market Deeping (LIN)

2. Ordered by surname, first name

Person PID Associated place(s)
George Eayrs (1766 - 1827) 250 Castle Bytham, Market Deeping (LIN)
Mary Fowler (???? - ????) 251 Castle Bytham, Market Deeping (LIN)
Thomas Eayrs (1788 - 1861) 249 Market Deeping (LIN), Greetham (RUT)
William Eayrs (1794 - 1852) 258 Market Deeping (LIN), Greatford (RUT)
Mary Eayrs (1800 - 1886) 261 Market Deeping (LIN), Leicester (LEI)
William Eayrs (1790 - 1791) 748 Market Deeping (LIN)

-- MartinEayrs - 03 Mar 2011
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