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William Fogan

Born Born 30 Nov 1872 Newcastle, New Brunswick
Died Died 12 Jan 1920 Newcastle, New Brunswick
Married Married   never married

Photo Album - Family album of photos and documents.


The Parents of William

William’s Early Years

Bill Fogan apparently never married. At the time of the 1901 census he was 28 and living in the same house as his widowed mother and worked as a mason for the Forrest company, earning 200 dollars annually (per 1901 census). Some ten years later, he had a bedroom on the upper floor in the James Forrest household.

His First World War enlistment paper (in the photo album) describes him as florid of complexion with brown eyes and hair, standing five foot nine inches tall, and enlisting at the late age of 40 years. His younger brother John also served overseas in the same war.

The Final Years for William

DIED- William Fogan, suddenly at the home of his brother, John Fogan, Newcastle, where he was visiting. He had been making his home with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Forrest. He was a mason and was employed with Mr. Forrest. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fogan, Newcastle, and a veteran of the World War. Three brothers and three sisters survive: John, James and Robert and Mrs. Forrest, Newcastle; Mrs. Harry Smallwood, Moncton, and Mrs. A. C. Langmaid, Boston. Burial was in the Miramichi Cemetery.

William died on a Monday at age 49 and was interred at Miramichi cemetery by Rev. McLean.

- North Shore Leader of January 16, 1920.


Census of 1901 (Town of Newcastle)

Person Sex Relation Status Birth Date Age Born Origin Occupation
FOGAN, Mary J. F head widowed 19 Sept 1848 52 N.B. Irish  
William M son single 30 Nov 1872 28 N.B. Irish M. Labourer
Edie F daughter single 10 June 1877 23 N.B. Irish  
John M son single 12 July 1882 18 N.B. Irish M. Labourer
Mable F daughter single 10 Apr 1884 16 N.B. Irish  
Clara F. F daughter single 11 Nov 1888 12 N.B. Irish  
LAFFERTY, John M lodger single 2 June 1842 58 N.B. Irish General Labourer
NOTE: All have nationality of "Canadian" and religion of "R. Catholic".
- Canada 1901 Census for Newcastle, New Brunswick, District 19 - Northumberland, Subdistrict j-2 Newcastle, page 13, microfilm reel T-6442.


-- JimBenedict - 03 May 2006
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