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Smith.IdaCatherineSmith1895r1.1 - 09 Nov 2009 - 21:57 - Main.guesttopic end

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-- HeatherJaremko - 04 Nov 2009

Name Ida Catherine Smith

Born Born August 19, 1895 at Vermont
Died Died March 16, 1917 at Newbury, Michigan
Married Married 1913 to Glen Callaway at ?


  • Father: Alexander Smith
  • Mother: Mary Reason


  1. Child 1 Gladys Callwawy1914
  2. Child 2 Blaine Owen Callaway1916
  3. Child 3 Mary Emma Callaway1917-2004

The Parents of Ida Catherine Smith were Alexander Smith and Mary Reason.

Ida_’s Early Years_

Ida Catherine Smith was born August 10, 1895 in Vermont. She and her family lived for a time in Vermont and in 1909 when sister Winnifred was born the family was in Manchester, New Hampshire. In about 1912 the family moved to Davidson (Lothian), Saskatchewan.

Ida Smith_ and Glen Calloway.

In about 1913 Ida Smith married Glen Calloway. In 1914 daughter Gladys was born; in 1916 son Blaine was born and on March 10, 1917 daughter Mary was born. Six days after Mary's birth, Ida passed away. The family was living in Newbury, Michigan at the time. Gladys and Blaine were sent to live with relatives in Beebe, Quebec and Mary was raised by her grandparents Alex and Mary Smith in Davidson, Saskatchewan._


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