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Smith.WilliamJohnSmith1900r1.1 - 10 Nov 2009 - 01:30 - Main.guesttopic end

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-- HeatherJaremko - 04 Nov 2009

Name William John Smith

Born Born July 31, 1900 at Grandville, Vermont
Died Died February 14, 1964 at Carrot River, Saskatchewan
Married Married 1920 to Viola Cornell at Davidson, Saskatchewan


  • Father: Alexander Smith
  • Mother: Mary Reason


  1. Howard Kenneth Smith?1930
  2. Florence Ila Mae Smith?1932
  3. Wayne Robert Smith?1935

The Parents of William John Smith were Alexander Smith and Mary Reason.

_ William’s Early Years_

William John Smith was born July 31, 1900 in Grandville, Vermont. The family lived in Vermont for a time and in 1909 the family was living in Manchester, New Hampshire when William's sister Winnifred was born. In about 1912 the family moved to Davidson (Lothian), Saskatchewan.

William Smith and Viola Cornell

In about 1920 William Smith married Viola Cornell in Davidson, Saskatchewan. In about 1930 son Howard Kenneth Smith was born; in about 1932 daughter Florence Ila Mae Smith was born and in about 1935 son Wayne Robert was born. On February 14, 1964 William John Smith passed away in Carrot River, Saskatchewan at the age of 64.


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